
Unauthorised division of villas causing parking crisis, say citizens

Published: 8 July 2024

NT Bureau

Citizens have called on the authorities to find a solution to the parking crisis witnessed in some residential neighbourhoods in the country.

Speaking to Al Sharq, some of them said one of the most important reasons for the aggravation of the parking crisis is the continuation of the phenomenon of divided villas, as some drivers resort to using sidewalks as parking spaces for their vehicles due to the lack of parking space.

Citizens stressed the importance of taking legal measures and issuing fines for vehicles that obstruct the passage of cars and use sidewalks as parking spaces.

“Citizens believe that the only solution to eliminate this crisis is to eliminate the phenomenon of dividing villas and residential homes because the large numbers living in the area exceed the parking spaces allocated to the residents of the area,” the report said.

They also pointed out that immediate solutions must be found to solve this problem that is troubling residents of many areas.

Some citizens added that they own more than one car in the house and are forced to park a number of cars outside the house. “But due to the congestion near residential apartments inhabited by many families, we do not find a place to park our cars,” they said.

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