
Qatar welcomes Armenia’s recognition of Palestine

Published: 21 June 2024

Qatar News Agency

The State of Qatar welcomed the Republic of Armenia’s recognition of the State of Palestine, and considered it an important step to support the two-state solution and achieve peace and stability in the region.

In a statement on Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated that achieving comprehensive and just peace in the region depends on the establishment of an independent and fully sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Ministry also stressed the need to end the war on the Gaza Strip immediately, and return to the political track as it is the only guarantor of achieving stability in the region.

The Ministry expressed the State of Qatar’s hope that more countries will recognize the State of Palestine and strengthen efforts aimed at implementing the two-state solution.

Armenia announced Friday it was recognizing the State of Palestine, the latest country to do so during the war in Gaza, saying it was against “violence toward civilian populations.”

“Confirming its commitment to international law, equality of nations, sovereignty and peaceful coexistence, the Republic of Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine,” Armenia added.

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