
New school transfer system to help ease traffic congestion

Students can now transfer between government schools based on the geographic location of their homes

NT Bureau

A decision by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) to implement a new system that allows students to transfer between government schools based on their home’s geographic location has been hailed as a major step that will help ease traffic congestion near the schools.

The decision will help students and parents as they will be able to go to the nearest school.
It will help parents and students by saving time on commuting to the school, and this will especially be beneficial to parents who have children going to different schools.

Traffic congestion will be reduced because many parents are still using their cars for transporting their children to the schools.

The Ministry decision will come into effect starting from this academic year (2024-2025).
Speaking to Al Rayan TV, a Ministry official said parents can now apply to shift their students to the school which is closest to their residences.

“Parents who have shifted to a new location can apply to transfer their children to a school near to their new residence through MoEHE Maarif Portal for Public Services,” Hamad Abdul Aziz Al Yafei, the Head of the Student Admission and Registration Section said.

Parents are required to submit an online request along with proof of address and they will be informed once the transfer is made.

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