
Ministry sets out new procedures for appointing teachers in private schools

Principals must be of good conduct and reputation and must not be less than 30 years old

Published: 13 July 2024

NT Bureau

The Private Schools Licensing Department has issued a circular addressed to principals of private schools and kindergartens in the country regarding the procedures for appointing new teachers, Al Sharq reports.

The circular stressed the necessity of attaching a verification certificate approved by one of the bodies concerned with accrediting qualifications, whether inside or outside the State of Qatar, stating the validity of the certificates and qualifications attached to the CVs of new teachers.

The attested certificates must be attached with the applications for new teachers to be submitted by private schools and kindergartens to the Ministry’s Private Schools Licensing Department for approval.

This step aims to ensure the quality of academic staff in private schools and kindergartens, and to achieve high quality in the education process. The Ministry stressed the importance of this measure as it will help ensure that students receive high-quality education from qualified and competent teachers.

There are eight criteria for applying for employment in private schools, including that the teacher, employee or worker must not be less than 18 years old and not more than 50 years old upon appointment, and for the school principal, he must not be less than thirty years old and not more than fifty-five years old upon appointment, and none of them must be more than 65 years old in the job.

He must also have the qualifications and conditions required to fill the position, and be of good conduct and reputation, and not have had a judgment issued against him in a crime case that violates honour or honesty, and not have been previously dismissed from service by a judicial ruling or final disciplinary decision, unless at least one year has passed since its issuance, and also not have been previously dismissed from service by a judicial ruling or final disciplinary decision, and his medical fitness must be proven by the competent medical authority at the Ministry of Public Health.

It is worth noting that the Private Schools Licensing Department supervises the nomination process in all private schools and kindergartens, in accordance with the rules and procedures for approving the appointment of workers in private schools.

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