
Ashghal completes improvement works on Al Sailiya Road

Published: 1 July 2024

NT Bureau

The Public Works Authority ‘Ashghal’ announced the completion of the development and improvement works on part of Al Sailiya Road, starting from Al Sailiya Roundabout (known as Qtel R/A) to the roundabout known as Al Sailiya Sports Club Roundabout, where the road was expanded from two to three lanes in each direction, in addition to developing some linking roads. This comes as part of the Road Improvement Works Outside Greater Doha Areas – Phase 7.

Eng. Hassan Al Naama, Project Engineer at the Western Areas Section of the Roads Projects Department at Ashghal, pointed out the importance of the development works implemented in the project and its vital location, especially since Al Sailiya Road serves the entire area and facilitates access to the areas of Rawdat Abal Heeran, Al Mearad and Masaken Barwa Al Sailiya. He explained that Al Sailiya Road also provides connectivity with main roads, as it is considered an extension of Al-Waab Road which will facilitate access to Al Majd Road.

Eng. Hassan Al Naama added that a total of 4.5 km of road works were implemented. This included developing part of Al Sailiya Road starting from Al Sailiya Roundabout to Al Sailiya Sports Club Roundabout, where the number of lanes was increased from two to three lanes in each direction, with a median island between the directions, to regulate traffic movement and enhance traffic safety in the area. The part linking Jery Al Theeb Street and Sadriyate Al Hamm Street to Al Sailiya Road has also been developed.

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