
As temperature rises, Health Ministry urges firms, workers to take precautions

NT Bureau

As the summer temperature rises, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has issued a set of guidelines to ensure safety and protect the health of workers during summer months and prevent heat-related illness and fatalities.

The most important precaution suggested by the Ministry is that workers must be given time to acclimatize themselves to the heat and for this companies must follow the 20 percent rule, and workers must be given frequent breaks.

“New and returning workers need to build tolerance to heat (acclimatize) and take frequent breaks,” the MoPH said on social media.

“Follow the 20% rule. On the first day, work no more than 20% of the shift’s duration at full intensity in the heat. Increase the duration of time at full intensity by no more than 20% a day until workers are used to working in the heat,” the Ministry said.

“Prioritise your health and safety at work by learning essential first aid for heat illness,” the Ministry said, and added: “Prevent heat illness at work. Outdoor and indoor heat exposure can be dangerous. Ease into Work.”

The Ministry also explained the signs of a medical emergency which are abnormal thinking or behavior, slurred speech, seizures and loss of consciousness. In such cases, an ambulance must be called immediately, cool the worker right away with water or ice, and stay with the worker until help arrives, the MoPH said on social media.

Other signs of heat illness are headache or nausea, weakness or dizziness, heavy sweating or hot, dry skin, elevated body temperature, thirst, and decreased urine output.

The ministry also suggested actions to be taken in such cases which are: Give water to drink, remove unnecessary clothing, move to a cooler area, cool with water, ice, or a fan, do not leave alone and seek medical care if needed.

Companies and workers have also been given tips for protection during heat. They include drink cool water every 15 minutes; avoid tea, coffee, energy drinks & soft drink; schedule more frequent breaks during work; eat right, eat light; wear light, loose clothing; and keep your head covered when outdoors.

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