
Ashghal unveils new asphalt technology that absorbs rainwater

Published: 17 September 2024

NT Bureau

Engineer Ali Ibrahim, from the Highways Department at the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) has announced a new innovation, which is asphalt that absorbs moisture and water as an alternative to the traditional drainage system of manholes, which provides speed in dealing with and absorbing rainwater.

He said in a statement to Asharq website that this technology will be applied as an experiment in some areas soon, and then it will be subject to evaluation and will be applied in the rest of the projects, pointing out that this new tech-nology will contribute to reducing the operating costs and periodic maintenance of manholes by up to 50 per cent.

Ali Ibrahim also revealed the launch of work on a new project that facilitates the implementation and installation of various services on the road, by building prefabricated construction units (asphalt and floors) in factories, then trans-porting them and installing them on the sides of the road, to cover the crossings that contain sewage pipes, electricity supplies, communications, and others.

Ashghal is known for using the latest technology for its projects. The issue of handling flooding has acquired significance in the Gulf countries with heavy rains often battering several places.

These floods, which may have been exacerbated by climate change, have often caused damage to homes and businesses; and disrupted lives.

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