
Controversial advertisement removed from mall after objections from citizens

Published: 22 August 2024

People on social media praise quick action from Ministry of Commerce and Industry

NT Bureau

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has responded to a complaint regarding an advertisement in front of a store at a shopping mall, which some citizens considered offensive and contrary to Islamic values and local social customs, Al Sharq has reported.

The complaint began with a post on the X platform, from the account of astronomer Sheikh Salman bin Jabr Al Thani, where he attached a picture of the controversial advertisement, and wrote: “Brothers in the Ministry of Commerce @MOCIQatar, this advertisement is a prelude to accepting homosexuals in Arab and Islamic society. The advertisement is at Mall of Qatar, and if anyone thinks that I have misunderstood the subject, let him enlighten me with his thoughts.”

The post received wide interaction from followers who agreed with Sheikh Salman bin Jabor’s opinion regarding the message contained in the advertisement, and they said that it contained provocations and messages that were considered in violation of Islamic law and the traditions and customs of Qatari society, calling for the intervention of the competent authorities to stop the advertisement.

A few hours after the post, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry responded quickly, according to a post by Sheikh Salman bin Jabr, who posted a picture showing a sticker placed on the advertisement to completely block it, and wrote: “All thanks, appreciation and respect to the brothers at the Ministry of Commerce @MOCIQatar for their quick response. I would like to thank brother Mohammed Al-Emadi, who, as usual, was kind enough to communicate and comfort the people of Qatar. May God bless you all.”

Activists and observers praised the ministry’s quick response to the complaint and its keenness to confront ideas that may be considered offensive or contrary to religious and social norms.

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