
Citizens disappointed with continued delay in getting appointments at HMC

Published: 21 August 2024

They say problem persists despite opening of new medical facilities in the country

NT Bureau

Citizens have expressed their dissatisfaction with the continued delay in getting appointments at Hamad Medical Corporation’s outpatient clinics, despite the opening of many new medical facilities in recent years in the country, Al Sharq has reported.

Speaking during a survey conducted by Asharq, they said that the problem of delayed appointments still exists, as the waiting period for some specialized clinics may reach up to six months or more.
They also expressed their dissatisfaction with the current system for booking appointments, calling for the formation of a committee to follow up and monitor the scheduling of appointments in the outpatient clinics.

Jumaan Abdullah, a citizen, said that the phenomenon of late appointments in outpatient clinics is a chronic problem that has been ongoing for many years. “Despite the state’s great interest in the health sector and providing primary health care to citizens and residents, and the establishment of many hospitals in recent years, this has not reflected positively on clinic appointments, which are still one of the most prominent problems that many people face, as some appointments take several months, which is not consistent with the health condition of patients,” he said.

“In a personal experience, I had a relative who met a urologist for his son who was suffering from bladder and kidney infections and his condition was advanced and he felt pain while urinating. The doctor referred him to the radiology and laboratory department and then see the doctor. But he was surprised that the next appointment with the specialist was set for a year later in 2025, which is a very distant date. How can the child wait all this time to know what he is suffering from and when will he receive the appropriate treatment? This forced the child’s father to take the reports and go to private clinics.”

Abdullah Al Yafei said that the long spacing of appointments in outpatient clinics at Hamad Medical Corporation hospitals has forced many to resort to the private health sector, as appointments in some clinics can take months, which is not appropriate for the health condition of many patients.

He added: “We hope that the Ministry of Public Health and the institutions under its umbrella will take practical steps to reduce the length of appointments in some medical clinics,” stressing the need to conduct a study to investigate the reasons for the long delay of appointments.

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