
Fine on driver if passenger in front seat doesn’t wear seat belt: MoI

Published: 16 August 2024

NT Bureau

The Ministry of Interior has reiterated that seat belt violations include the driver and his companion in the front seat, stressing that “wearing a seat belt while driving enhances your safety and that of your companions, reduces traffic accident injuries, and reflects commitment to traffic rules and laws.”

The Ministry explained on its account on the “X” platform that Article 54 of the Traffic Law stipulates that “both the driver of a motor vehicle and the person riding next to him in the front seat are obligated to use a seat belt while driving on the road.”

The legal article requires the driver and the person sitting next to him to use a seat belt. That is, the fine falls on the driver of the vehicle if he or the person sitting next to him does not wear a seat belt, the Ministry said.

The seat belt is one of the most important aspects in traffic safety to reduce injuries, and achieve a degree of safety, due to its effective role in reducing the severity of accidents.

Given the importance of wearing a seat belt, the Qatari law has obliged anyone who violates it to pay a fine of QR500.

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