
Independence Day fills us with pride and joy, say Indians

Published: 15 August 2024

For Indians in Qatar, Independence Day is a special moment to reconnect with India’s glorious past and vibrant present, and reinforce a spirit of brotherhood with fellow Indians. News Trail spoke to a cross-section of Indian community to find out what Independence Day means for them.

India’s Independence Day fills me with pride and gratitude, honoring the sacrifices of freedom fighters and celebrating the nation’s achievements. As an Indian living in Qatar, the day deepens my connection to my roots, emphasizing our civilizational ethos and unity in diversity.  India’s rich cultural heritage, democratic values, economic growth, space exploration, and commitment to global peace evoke immense pride. Celebrating Independence Day abroad reminds me of the importance of representing India positively and cherishing the freedoms it stands for.

Bindu N Nair,
Second Secretary (Info, Culture & Education),
Embassy of India Doha

Independence Day is an opportunity to reflect on India’s incredible journey over the years. As a passionate doctor practicing outside the country for most of my life, the growth of healthcare industry in our country has always astonished me.

India is progressing to be a world power, but with a difference. We have always chosen not to conquer but to hold hands and walk beside on the journey towards development and sustainability. We have achieved remarkable heights not just in healthcare but also in space research, industries, engineering, environmental sciences, education etc. Also, we have become the pharmacy of the world.

This Independence Day is a reminder to us of the path we travelled, the hurdles we have crossed to be at the pinnacle now. We have miles to go, but the faith we have in our country to reach new milestones is still strong and going.

Dr Mohan Thomas
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman recipient, Philanthropist & Founder Chairman, Birla Public School

Independence Day is an important day for all Indians to remember, especially for those who grew up during the initial years of independence.

It’s a day for us to feel immensely proud and reflect on the struggles of our freedom fighters and the uniqueness of our freedom struggle because of its singular focus on non-violence as espoused by Mahatma Gandhi.

But I think our new generation needs to learn more about the struggles of our great leaders which have helped make India a great nation. 

C V Rappai

Director & CEO Jumbo Electronics & Director of Norka Roots

Independence Day means a lot to me. It’s a day that fills me with pride as we celebrate our unique values as a nation. It reminds us of the struggle for freedom from the colonial rule. Freedom of speech, respect for all cultures, colours, and religions are best practised in India. This is also an occasion to reinforce and strengthen the spirit of brotherhood and unity among all Indians in Qatar.

Dr. Hassan Kunhi M P
President of Ideal Indian school and chairman of HK group of companies

Independence Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it is a celebration of the Indian spirit, a spirit that transcends borders and unites us in our shared love for our country. It is this spirit of inclusiveness and harmony that makes us proud, and which we carry with us wherever we go.

As Indians living in Qatar, we carry this spirit with us, proud of our heritage and committed to contributing to the global community while always staying true to our roots.

Nihad Ali

General Secretary, Indian Sports Centre

Fortunate are those who are born in free India. Independence Day is a time to remember all those who struggled to get us freedom. Today is a day to feel proud about being part of this great nation, and may the spirit of freedom lead us all to success and glory in life.

Do not take your freedom for granted. Someone had to make many sacrifices and work hard for it. Celebrate freedom by giving back to the society.

Jitendrasinh Solanki

Gujarati Samaj Qatar

Every Independence Day reminds us of the struggles, losses, and pain endured by our freedom fighters. The day of flag hoisting evokes a sense of loyalty to our nation.

After coming to Qatar, I could truly feel the meaning of unity in diversity. We, from different states of India with different mother tongues, come together and represent India in Qatar. Unity in Diversity is the way of life for Indians. We shall stand together for the country and its growth. Jai Hind!

Mohana Sundaram

General Secretary – Qatar Tamizhar Sangam

Independence Day always fills me with pride and joy. It reminds me of the great sacrifices made by our freedom fighters, and it fosters a spirit of brotherhood with other countrymen. And what I love most about India is our democracy, secularism and diversity – this foundational structure of India really makes me feel proud as an Indian.

Noufal Kattayat

Managing Director
Pharma care Group – Qatar

As an Indian woman, Independence Day reminds me of the indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication of women in India. As we reflect on their irreplaceable role, they have significantly framed Indian history towards progress and equality. I am proud of India’s democracy. Remaining the largest democracy in the world, in a society that is linguistically, culturally, religiously, and ethnically the most heterogeneous and complex in the world, is a real tribute to the vision of the Indian people. India will sustain its national unity and social cohesion in future also.

Sreekala Prakasan

World Malayalee Federation

The spirit of unity and secularism has been our nation’s strength amidst its vast diversity. As times change, preserving this sense of togetherness is crucial for our country’s continued growth and harmony. Here in Qatar, we uphold this unity with pride, and I sincerely hope it continues to prevail, both within our community and across the globe. The bond that unites us is essential, not just for our present, but for the future.

Aparna Ranish
World Malayalam Toastmasters Qatar Chapter

Wishing all fellow Indians a day of pride and joy as we celebrate our Independence Day. We salute and pay our rich tribute to the great souls of all the freedom fighters and also remain grateful to our military forces for remaining vigilant to keep all of us safe.

We take this opportunity to thank the rulers of Qatar, Indian Ambassador, Embassy staff and Indian Cultural Center for the celebration of Indian Independence which makes us feel at home away from home .We are proud of Independent India’s growth story.

M Ravi Shetty
Karnataka Sangha Qatar

On this occasion, I would like to remember and salute those who fought fiercely to expel the colonial forces who took away our resources and governed us by using force and spreading fear. It is the responsibility of each one of us to protect these freedoms to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all Indians to experience equality, justice and good progress.

Midhulaj Nujumudeen
Manager- sales and Marketing
Abeer Medical Group – Qatar

Indian Independence Day is celebrated across the world, as Indian diaspora is spread across the globe.

Indian values of secularism, democracy, and Gandhian thoughts etc are a model for all countries to follow. Indian diaspora is constantly contributing to the development of our nation and with their help, we hope the theme of this year’s Independence day ‘Vikasit Bharat’ can be achieved. Our teachings of integrity and constitution will bring all generations, especially young Indian migrants, to understand and practice the true spirit of Indian tricolour flag.

Abdul Raoof Kondotty
Member, Loka Kerala Sabha

Independence Day is the time for remembering those who sacrificed their lives and fought for freedom of our great nation and struggled selflessly for our better future. Being in Qatar, for me Independence Day brings memories of my school days, attending practice sessions in NCC dress for the day’s parades in Mahe at ‘place d’armes’ in line with all the contingents. The parade ground would showcase mock war scenes by military men camouflaged and silhouetted in smoke screens and firing sounds.
Proud to be an Indian.

Manmmadhan Mambally
Administrator, MES Off-Campus, Doha.

As an Indian driver in Qatar, I celebrate Independence Day with a heart full of pride. Despite the distance, I honor our nation’s spirit by sharing greetings with fellow Indians. I feel immense pride in our heritage, culture, and the strength that binds us across borders. Jai Hind!

Sakeer Hussain

Driver, Airways limousine

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