
Ministry of Labour launches ‘Ouqoul’ platform to link expat graduates and local companies

Published: 6 August 2024

Main objective of the platform is to increase employment opportunities for expatriate graduates from universities in Qatar

NT Bureau

The Ministry of Labour, in collaboration with Google Cloud and Mannai InfoTech, has announced the launch of its new initiative, the ‘Ouqoul’ platform, an innovative platform powered by artificial intelligence. This platform aims to provide exceptional services for graduates from universities in Qatar and companies in the private sector to help in the recruitment process.

The main objectives of the ‘Ouqoul’ platform are to create a user-friendly platform, increase employment opportunities for expatriate graduates from universities in Qatar, and improve the efficiency of their overall recruitment processes.

The ‘Ouqou'” platform will meet the needs of different user groups: expatriate university graduates in Qatar, private companies, and universities. The platform enables expatriate students graduating from local universities to create personal profiles using their university IDs, generate skill-based resumes using the platform’s AI tools, search for job opportunities in Qatar’s private sector that match their skills, and apply directly through the platform. AI tools will also support candidates in achieving their career goals by suggesting courses needed to develop the required skills.

The personality test on the platform will help identify the most suitable career paths for them. The entire journey takes place on the platform, allowing candidates to use unique tools to connect with companies, learn new skills in the platform’s learning center, conduct online interviews, negotiate, and sign contracts through the integrated Ministry of Labour’s unified portal, and graduates can also evaluate companies.

The platform will allow private sector companies to publish job opportunities, search for suitable candidates, and manage rapid recruitment processes all in one place, supporting companies in reaching the best candidates.

The advanced platform relies on the power of Google Cloud and AI technologies to streamline the recruitment process, making it easier for students to find jobs that match their skills and career aspirations.

Commenting on the announcement of this new initiative, Assistant Undersecretary for Migrant Labour Affairs at the Ministry of Labour Sheikha Najwa bint Abdulrahman Al-Thani said, “By linking skilled individuals with local opportunities, we seek to achieve a better match between the supply of qualified graduates and the demand in our labour market. This initiative not only supports local universities but also strengthens a more robust and resilient local economy.”

Google Cloud Regional Director at Qatar Ghassan Costa said that “this groundbreaking platform showcases the transformative power of AI in facilitating the recruitment process and enabling graduates and businesses to connect and thrive.”

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