
Diplomacy network, UNESCO launch online campaign on critical role of youth in shaping the world

Published: 6 August 2024

Qatar News Agency

The Global Public Diplomacy Network (GPDNET) – KATARA, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have joined forces to launch an online campaign in conjunction with International Youth Day 2024, echoing the theme of this year: “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.

This month-long initiative, running from August 1st to 31st, 2024, seeks to shed light on the critical role of youth in shaping the world when they are holistically engaged, and to highlight the various programs and initiatives designed to support their holistic engagement, growth, and development.

International Youth Day serves as a global platform to celebrate the contributions of young people and to address the challenges they face. This year’s campaign, spearheaded by GPDNET – KATARA, and UNESCO, aligns perfectly with the organizations core mission of engaging youth in public diplomacy and fostering their leadership potential.

“By partnering with GPDNET and KATARA, we are able to amplify our efforts to genuinely engage youth and provide them with the opportunities they need to become leaders and innovators,” said Salah Khaled, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for the Gulf States and Yemen. “Young people drive economic and social progress, yet they often face barriers that hinder their potential.

Through this joint social media campaign, we aim to engage youth in meaningful ways, educate and equip them with skills to significantly contribute to their communities and the world, working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the Agenda 2030.” The online campaign will leverage the power of digital platforms to reach a wide audience and engage young people in meaningful conversations.

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