
What does the recall of a car mean? Ministry of Commerce explains

Published: 25 July 2024

NT Bureau

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has explained, through a post on its account on the X platform, the concept of recalling products and what a defective product means.

The Ministry’s explanation comes in the wake of recall of cars which it frequently undertakes in coordination with car dealers in Qatar.

This is the tweet:

What is a Product Recall?

A recall is a set of measures taken on goods and services, at the request of the manufacturer, when a defect is discovered or when the product is defective or does not conform to the approved standard specifications.

A recall does not always mean that you must stop using the product and return it to its source; sometimes, a recall may mean that the product needs to be inspected, readjusted, or repaired.

What is a Defective Product?

Any design or manufacturing defect in a product that appears before or during use, or as a result of non-compliance with the country’s mandatory standards, or other international standards approved by the General Organization for Standards and Metrology, unless the defect or lack of efficiency is caused by the consumer’s actions.

Dear Consumer:

If any of your products are recalled due to a manufacturing or design defect, please contact the dealer or supplier, immediately, so they can assist you to take the necessary action.

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