
Plan to set up technical inspection centre for electric cars

Published: 10 July 2024

NT Bureau

The Ministry of Transport has revealed that it is studying about setting up a technical inspection center for electric cars similar to the Fahis Center for testing fuel-powered cars.

Najla Al Jaber, Head of the Land Transport Policy Systems Department at the Ministry, told Qatar TV that the Ministry has plans to support the strategy of transitioning to electric vehicles in the country, including private electric vehicles, including buses that rely on electric energy.

Al Jaber added that the ministry will work to enhance and develop standards for electric cars, and the ministry will study the creation of a policy that encourages the purchase of electric cars, in addition to a specific plan to reduce carbon emissions.

In addition, the Ministry of Transport has a plan to base transportation in the country on health and environment policies and to shift to electric vehicles, in cooperation with the relevant authorities.

Eng. Mohammed Khaled Al-Sharshani, Head of the Electric Vehicles Unit at the Conservation and Energy Efficiency Department at Kahramaa, said that the Corporation has installed an integrated infrastructure for electric cars in a record time.

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