
Cancellation of Air India Express flight to Kozhikode from Doha angers passengers

Published: 6 July 2024

NT Burea

The cancellation of an Air India Express flight to Kozhikode from Doha which was scheduled to depart at 12.30pm on Friday has angered passengers who said they were informed of the cancellation only on Thursday night.

The cancellation during the peak summer period when flights to all destinations are full shocked the passengers who said finding an alternative flight was extremely difficult, Malayalam media have reported.

“The passengers were informed about the cancellation only after 7.30 pm on Thursday and that too by mail,” a report quoted passengers as saying, who said it was another example of the recklessness of the airline which continues to cancel flights without sufficient notice, in utter disregard of the plight of passengers.

Many passengers who were travelling for emergency purposes tried to book on other flights but couldn’t get seats.

“Due to the cancellation of the Doha-Kozhikode flight, many passengers who are travelling for emergency purposes like death of a relative or wedding have been affected. The airline’s action is unjustifiable,” said K K Usman, President of Gulf-Calicut Air Passengers Association Qatar, who himself had booked a ticket on the cancelled flight. He said he was travelling to attend the wedding of his friend’s daughter,
Air India Express also cancelled its Kozhikode-Muscat flight which was scheduled to depart Kozhikode at 4 am on Friday and also its Muscat-Kozhikode flight which was scheduled to depart Muscat at 7am.

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