
Qatari job seekers learn how to prepare resumes, succeed in interviews

Published: 26 June 2024

Qatar News Agency

The Ministry of Labour, through its Department of Qualifying Skills Development, concluded on Tuesday a training course for job seekers, part of the second cycle of “Jahez” vocational readiness program, held in collaboration with the Qatar Academy of Finance and Business.

Over two days, participants learned how to draft and refine their CVs, understanding different resume types, selecting suitable formats, and avoiding common errors.

They also received training in how to effectively prepare for and succeed in job interviews.
The training course came within the framework of the efforts of the Ministry of Labour to qualify citizens seeking employment and provide them with the necessary skills to enhance their professional readiness and improve their access to the jobs offered in the labour market.

This is in line with the Third National Development Strategy, which aims to increase the proportion of the national workforce in the total workforce in the country, increase the proportion of Qataris in the private and joint sectors, and make a radical shift toward a more productive labour market.

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