
Weather alert: Temperature expected to touch 48°C this week

NT Bureau

Qatar Meteorology Department has warned about a significant rise in temperatures across the country this week.

In their official account on X, the Department said that starting Monday, June 17, temperatures are forecasted to increase gradually, with the maximum temperatures ranging between 41°C and 48°C by the end of the week.

Authorities have advised residents to take necessary precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses. It is crucial to stay hydrated and limit outdoor activities during the hottest hours of the day, they said.

Daytime temperatures are expected to range from hot to very hot, accompanied by northwesterly to northeasterly winds, which will be light to moderate in speed. By night, the temperature is forecasted to moderate, with mainly northeasterly winds continuing at a light to moderate speed.

In support of their forecast, the department released a temperature map showing the entire country coloured in shades of red, highlighting the widespread and intense heat expected throughout Qatar.

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