
Education Above All project to support100,000 out of school children in Nigeria

Nigeria is confronted with several obstacles, such as economic challenges, instability, insecurity and inequality.

Qatar News Agency

Education Above All (EAA) Foundation launched a programme under the title ‘Reaching Out-of-School Children in Kaduna State project (ROOSC)’ to benefit 100,000 out of school children (OOSC), including girls and children living with disabilities.

According to the statement issued by the foundation, the project is implemented in cooperation with Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) & Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and Save the Children alongside other partners including, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and the Kaduna State Ministry of Education.

The project employs a comprehensive, multifaceted strategy to overcome major obstacles to access to education in a region plagued by instability and a lack of infrastructure and resources.

Over the span of four years, the partnership will focus on four objectives: improving access and retention, quality of teaching and learning, learning environments, and education management. To reach these objectives, the project – with support from the Qatar Fund For Development (QFFD), will be structured into five components and deliver interventions to ensure inclusion, community mobilization, teacher training, quality assurance, flexible learning opportunities, psychosocial support, child protection, and the provision of teaching materials.

In this regard, CEO of EAA Fahad Al Sulaiti said that “strong partnerships that deliver relevant and effective interventions are the pillars that will build the pathway to educational transformation in Nigeria. By joining forces, we can provide children with the opportunity to thrive and grow towards a brighter future through equitable and inclusive education.”

For her part, ISFD Director-General Dr. Hiba Ahmed expressed ISFD’s pride to be part of this international partnership addressing the education needs of out-of-school children in Kaduna State, Nigeria, adding, “this initiative aligns perfectly with ISFD’s mission of empowering and developing communities in need through quality education. By working collaboratively with our partners, we can provide children with the tools and knowledge they need to reach their full potential and contribute to the development of their communities.”

Nigeria is confronted with several obstacles, such as economic challenges, instability, insecurity and inequality. Barriers to education include insufficient funding, poor infrastructure, lack of trained teachers, and inadequate access. Based on data from the Kaduna State Bureau of Statistics in 2020, an estimated 535,353 children in the state were out of school, ranking Kaduna as one of the states with the largest number of OOSC in Nigeria.

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