
Qatar affirms support to African countries to counter terrorism


Abuja: The State of Qatar has affirmed its commitment to continuing cooperation, coordination, and support for African countries in eliminating terrorism globally, including in Africa.

This came in a statement delivered by Vice-Chairman of the National Counter-Terrorism Committee Major General Dr. Nasser Saeed Al Hajri at a high-level African counterterrorism meeting held in the Nigerian capital Abuja.

Al Hajri pointed out that the briefings presented during the meeting sessions highlighted terrorist groups, their crimes, areas of activity, methods of operation, and the threats they pose, particularly in Africa. He noted that terrorists exploit conflicts and turmoil and exacerbate them. He emphasized the transboundary and regional nature of terrorism, making combating terrorism in Africa not only a critical issue for African nations but also a central element in global efforts to combat this scourge and a matter of concern for all.

His Excellency mentioned the State of Qatar’s commitment global counterterrorism efforts, its eagerness to partner with African countries, and its belief in the importance of international cooperation and partnership. His Excellency noted that these were the drivers for Qatar’s participation in this conference and supported its convening, in addition to its commitment to supporting the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism.

His Excellency expressed Qatar’s appreciation for the efforts of the Office in organizing international and regional conferences, including this conference, and coordinating international policies, knowledge, and efforts, providing technical assistance, and capacity-building to member states, especially in Africa, including through the International Center for Counter-Terrorism.

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