
Ministries reiterate safety of ‘aphid lion’ insect amid social media rumours

‘Insect is absolutely non-toxic and poses no risks to humans’

NT Bureau

DOHA: The Ministry of Municipality and the Ministry of Public Health have jointly issued a statement reaffirming that the ‘Green Lacewing’ insect is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

The joint statement came in response to widespread concerns raised on social media platforms regarding the safety of this insect,

Contrary to the misinformation circulating online, the ministries clarified that the Green Lacewing poses no health risks to humans or animals and does not transmit diseases.

Emphasizing its beneficial role in agriculture, the ministries highlighted that the larvae of Green Lacewings, also known as ‘aphid lions,’ serve as natural predators to harmful pests such as aphids.

“This eco-friendly characteristic makes preserving these insects important for sustainable farming practices,” the ministries said.

The Department of Agricultural Affairs at the Ministry of Municipality has urged farmers to minimize the use of pesticides, and to use them only when absolutely necessary and under proper supervision to prevent adverse effects on beneficial insect populations.

Both ministries stressed the significance of relying on official sources for accurate information, cautioning against the dissemination of unverified claims from unofficial channels.

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