
Qatar helps reunite new batch of children with their families separated by Russia-Ukraine conflict

Minister renews commitment to mediation efforts aimed at reuniting children and ensuring their safety and well-being


Doha: The State of Qatar announced the success of its mediation in reuniting a new batch of children with their families as part of its ongoing efforts to reunite families separated due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Minister of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs H E Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater, told QNA that the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Moscow hosts the children and facilitates their safe departure to Ukraine, while representatives of the State of Qatar facilitate the safe departure of children from Ukraine to Russia via Belarus.

The Minister renewed the commitment of the State of Qatar to its mediation efforts aimed at reuniting children separated from their families and ensuring their safety and well-being, pointing out that the mediation of the State of Qatar includes obtaining the approval of the children’s families to transfer them to or from Ukraine and Russia, verifying their identity, coordinating with humanitarian organizations, and meeting their medical needs, in addition to the logistic arrangements for reuniting children with their families.

Her Excellency also renewed the State of Qatar’s appreciation for both Ukraine and the Russian Federation for their cooperation and commitment to ensuring the safety and security of these children and providing them with appropriate care, stressing that Russia provided appropriate care and treatment for the children during their period of their stay in Russia; away from their families.

The Minister of State for International Cooperation expressed Qatar’s thanks and appreciation to Children’s Rights Commissioner for the President of the Russian Federation Maria Lvova-Belova, and Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets for their great efforts during the mediation, which helped in the success of reuniting separated families.

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