
Industrial sector PPI drops by 1.95% in November 2023


The Producer Price Index (PPI) of the industrial sector in the country for November 2023 reached118.65 points showing a decrease of 1.95%, compared to the previous month’s October 2023. On (year-on-year) Y-o-Y basis, PPI of November 2023 showed a decrease of 17.36%, when compared to the PPI of November 2022.

The relatives of the main four industry sectors become as follow: “Mining” (weight: 82.46%), “Manufacturing” (weight: 15.85%), “Electricity” (weight: 1.16%), and “Water” (weight: 0.53%).
According to data released by Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA) today, the PPI of November 2023 for the Mining and Quarrying sector showed a decrease of 1.58% when compared with PPI of October 2023, primarily due to the price decrease on “Crude petroleum and natural gas” by 1.58%, and 0.02% ( almost stable) in “Other mining and quarrying”. PPI of Mining of November 2023, when compared with its counterpart in previous year (November 2022), there was a decrease of 18.43%, due to the price decrease on “Crude petroleum and natural gas” by 18.46%, while “Other mining and quarrying” has no change.

In the Manufacturing sector, a decrease of 4.47% has been recorded in November 2023, when compared with the previous month’s Manufacturing index (October 2023). The prices decrease is seen in: “Refined petroleum products” by 9.88%, followed by “Basic metals” by 9.02%, “Chemicals and chemical products” by 2.75%, and “Cement & other non-metallic mineral products” by 2.58%. The increasing prices are noticed in “Rubber and plastics products” by 3.85%, followed by “Food products” by 0.61%, and Beverages” by 0.19%.

There is no change in “Printing and reproduction of recorded media”. Compared with the index of counterpart in the previous year (November 2022), “Manufacturing” PPI of November 2023 showed a decrease of 12.91%. The major groups which explain this price decrease are: “chemicals and chemical products” by 16.19%, followed by “Basic metals” by 12.47%, “Refined Petroleum products” by 9.54%, “Cement & other non-metallic mineral products” by 9.45%, and “Printing and reproduction of recorded media” by 0.16%. However, the increasing prices are noticed in “Rubber and Plastics products” by 9.00%, followed by “Food products” by 6.06%, and “Beverages” by 3.88%.

The PPI of the electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply group showed an increase of 8.60% compared to October 2023. When compared the PPI of November 2023, the PPI of November 2022 Y-o Y, showed an increase of 8.03%. The PPI of the water supply group showed a decrease of 8.34% compared to October 2023. Compared to the to the PPI of November 2022 Y-o-Y, showed an increase of 3.74%.

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